Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How to Earn Trust On Your Website

trust sepia tone dictionary definition
One of the keys to cultivating a successful business brand is to retain relationships that are built on trust. This trust needs to be firmly anchored throughout all brand touchpoints – including your website.

In order for people to buy your products or services, they first must trust you. 
In addition to great design, navigation, content and usability, you can build user trust and credibility on your website through incorporating specific content known as trust signals. Trust signals are used to assure the user that the website is run by real people, is capable of handling their business, and is credible, established and trusted by other users. Trust signals are especially essential to e-commerce websites.

There are a number of different signals that can be used throughout your website to establish trust:
  1. Through Testimonials/Reviews.  What better way is there to convert new users into customers than using an actual review from a satisfied customer? Video testimonials are the latest trend – and the most effective as they are difficult to fake.
  2. Through Communication Options.  It's all in the details. Listing a physical address encourages visitors and gives more credibility to the business brand. Having a local phone number with an actual human answering the phone connects with the potential customer on a deeper level than hearing "press 2 for ....", plus it shows that the business is there to provide immediate, personable support. Even having live chat support shows that the website is being operated by humans.
  3. Through Frequently Asked Questions, Questions & Answers, etc.  Questions that have been anticipated and answered by the business shows that the business cares about its customers and their needs. Questions that have been answered by other customers give an unbiased viewpoint of the services/products in question. Both scenarios build trust and influence the decision to purchase.
  4. Through Affiliations.  Being associated with other successful, reliable companies shows that your website is also successful & reliable. Use the logos of those that you are affiliated with – credit cards, Better Business Bureau, groups that you belong to, current clients, etc. – and build trust and credibility through association.
  5. Through Social Media.  Keeping up with the business social media accounts shows that you are in direct communication with and value your customers.
  6. Through Terms & Conditions.  Having a terms & conditions page on your website shows that you have nothing to hide and gives the impression that you operate on structure and full transparency.
Incorporating a few trust signals throughout your website will help to solidify your brand, build customer trust and, ultimately contribute to an increase in sales. So which trust signals are you currently using on your website?